Welcome to APTERRA, the ultimate frontier of multiplayer tower defence gaming!
Get ready to be enchanted by adrenaline-pumping action as you defend your castle against relentless waves of enemies. In this exciting game of strategy and skill, every decision counts as you strive to conquer your enemies and assert your dominance on the battlefield.
Rally your companions, sharpen your wits, and prepare to embark on the gaming experience of a lifetime
Apterra, where every victory is earned, and the thrill of conquest awaits!
The significant growth for play-to-earn game platforms reflects a tendency toward the use of blockchain technology
The significant growth for play-to-earn game platforms reflects a tendency toward the use of blockchain technology
Leading the GameFi Trend
As the first GameFi project on the Aptos chain, Apterra pioneers the integration of gaming mechanics with decentralized finance principles.
Innovative Gameplay Experience
Apterra provides players with innovative gameplay experiences. Through features such as NFTs, play-to-earn models, and Ve(3,3) tokenomics
Leveraging Aptos Market's Potential.
Apterra capitalizes on the growing potential of the Aptos market, leveraging its scalability, interoperability, and security features to create a vibrant gaming ecosystem.
iconApo APO - Apterra
iconAps APS
iconApg APG -  Apterra Gold
This is the primary currency within the game, pegged to 1 USD. It serves as a reward for users who utilise the Government token for gameplay.
Limited to 1,000,000 tokens, distributed over 2 years. This is the Government token of the game, distributed to liquidity providers.
Apterra Gold is used for upgrades, evolution, purchasing items in the game, and opening NFT boxes
Q2 2024
Game Design
Landing Page
Comic book
Q3 2024
Game Trailer
Game teaser & beta PvE
DAO Governance
Q4 2024
Beta PvP
Official version
Network/Marketplace optimization
Listing Top CEX